Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar: The Movie (2008)

Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar: The Movie is a 2008 Japanese movie.

Movie info

Release date
January 12, 2008


Based on a Kyosuke Usuta manga and later video game adaptation, Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar: The Movie stars Manabu Ohmura as Kyohiko Saketome (nickname: Piyohiko), an ordinary guy who dreams of becoming a famous guitarist some day. That plan gets turned upside-down when he meets Jaguar (Jun Kaname), a recorder enthusiast who thinks flutes are the most rocking instruments on the planet. Between his flute salesman dad and Jaguar’s overbearing presence Saketome has no choice but to get wrapped up in a non-stop barrage of flute-inspired mayhem.


  • pyuu-to-fuku-jaguar-the-movie 1:30

    Trailer (Japanese)

    Added 8 years ago


Last Updated 01 Oct 2014 at 15:54