Before Sunrise (2011)


Before Sunrise, also known as “In the City of Dawn”, is a Japanese movie directed by Setsuro Wakamatsu and based on a novel by Keigo Higashino. The project was first announced as part of Kadokawa’s 2010 lineup, but was re-announced on February 11, 2011 when the casting of Kyoko Fukada and Goro Kishitani was revealed.

Movie info

Original title
Transliterated title
Yoake no Machi de
Release date
October 8, 2011
Distributed by
Kadokawa Pictures


Kazuya Watanabe is a manager at a leading construction company. He has a beautiful wife, a loving daughter, and is perfectly content with his life. However, he finds himself gradually getting closer to a temp named Akiha Nakanishi. One day, their relationship crosses the line and they spend the night together.

After their brief tryst, Watanabe realizes he still has feelings for Akiha, but she’ll soon make a shocking confession about a dark incident from her past.

Featured Cast

Actor Role
Goro Kishitani Goro Kishitani Kazuya Watanabe
Kyoko Fukada Kyoko Fukada Akiha Nakanishi
Tae Kimura Tae Kimura
Ken Ishiguro Ken Ishiguro
masaya-kikawada Masaya Kikawada
Hisako Manda Hisako Manda
Masatoshi Nakamura Masatoshi Nakamura
Ken Tanaka Ken Tanaka
Jun Yoshinaga Jun Yoshinaga

Latest news

  • Yoake no Machi de

    Kyoko Fukada and Goro Kishitani to star in “Yoake no Machi de”

    Over a year ago, a film adaptation of Keigo Higashino’s novel Yoake no Machi de was included as part of Kadokawa’s 2010 lineup, but no further details were announced in the following months...

    5 years ago


  • before-sunrise-trailer 1:44

    Trailer (English subtitles)

    Added 4 years ago


Last Updated 31 Jul 2014 at 10:39