Kamen Teacher the Movie (2014)
Kamen Teacher the Movie is a 2014 film directed by Kentaro Moriya and based on a manga by Tooru Fujisawa. It features the same cast and crew of the 12-episode Kamen Teacher TV drama which aired on NTV in fall 2013.
Movie info
- Original title
- 仮面ティーチャー
- Transliterated title
- Kamen Tīchā
- Release date
- February 22, 2014
- Directed by
- Kentaro Moriya
- Written by
- Junpei Yamaoka (screenplay)
Tooru Fujisawa (manga) - Distributed by
- Showgate
Gota Araki is the teacher of 2nd Year Class C at Hanasora School, which is filled with juvenile delinquents. To ensure order is kept, certain teachers are authorized to wear special masks which give them superior strength and agility. However, Araki always attempts to reach his students peacefully by earning their respect and trust, using the mask only as a last resort.
Featured Cast
Actor | Role | |
Taisuke Fujigaya | Gota Araki, teacher | |
Fuma Kikuchi | Kinzo Takehara, 2nd Year Class C | |
Jesse | Keigo Kusanagi, 2nd Year Class C | |
Ryoichi Tsukada | ||
Nozomu Kotaki | Student Council President | |
Yuta Kishi | Shishimaru, 2nd Year Class C | |
Taiga Kyomoto | Bon, 2nd Year Class C | |
Daisuke Sakuma | Student Council Vice President | |
Ryohei Abe | Student Council Secretary | |
Ryota Miyadate | Student Council Accountant | |
Naomasa Musaka | ||
Mikie Hara | ||
Kotaro Shiga | Kentaro Sugahara, teacher | |
Goki Maeda | Kotaro, 2nd Year Class C | |
Shuntaro Yanagi | Ryota, 2nd Year Class C | |
Seika Taketomi | Kanako Kondo, 2nd Year Class C | |
Maika Yamamoto | ||
Shiori Kitayama | Chikage Enatsu, 2nd Year Class A | |
Ryu Nakatani | Junji Kudo, teacher | |
Aya Omasa | Miki Ichimura, teacher | |
Masato Hagiwara | ||
Takumi Saitoh | ||
Kenichi Endo | Kohei Ramon, teacher |
External Links
- IMDb
- KAMEN TEACHER THE MOVIE in February 2014 at SciFi Japan
Last Updated 15 Feb 2014 at 16:06