Director: Eiichiro Hasumi
Plot: "Class E" of Kunugigaoka Junior High School consists of students determined to have no future. They're separated from their classmates and assigned to a bizarre tentacled alien homeroom teacher. The alien, whom the students refer to as "Kurosensei" (literally "unkillable teacher"), had previously destroyed most of the moon and threatened to destroy Earth. However, he decided to delay his plan for one year if he was given a class of junior high school students to teach on the terms that he wouldn't harm them.Kurosensei teachers his class various assassination techniques and the government promises a 10 billion yen reward to the student who finally manages to kill him. Unfortunately, Kurosensei is able to avoid all of their attacks due to his vastly superior alien reflexes. In spite of this, student Nagisa Shiota keeps track of any perceived weaknesses as he and his classmates try to come up with new ways to kill him.